Sunday, March 6, 2016

Whirlpools and Eddies

Sunday 3/6/2016 5:15 AM
Over the course of the past year or so our church seems to have lost some members. This is a relatively common phenomenon when a pastor leaves a church but there is something that bothers me about it. Some who left are young couples with small children so our children’s ministry seems to be shrinking. We have also gained a few members since we have a new pastor but most of those who recently joined are retired and, for the most part, older in age. It seems that our church goes through phases of growth and retreat. It appears to me that we are in a retreat phase at the moment.
The thing that bothers me about a fluctuating membership is what appears to be a lack of commitment to a body of believers. It seems people only commit to a body of believers if they like the person in charge or if they feel comfortable with the direction the body is headed. The first sign of anything with which they disagree and they are out the door. I’m certain there is more that influences their decision to leave but it seems that they are unwilling to try to work things out or to push for the changes they believe are necessary.
I wonder if God feels the same way about me. I go through hot and cold phases in my relationship with God. At times I am fully engaged, regularly asking for guidance and following where he leads. At other times my commitment is mediocre at best and I drift, swept along by the prevailing currents generated by society at large or malcontents within the Christian community.
The theme of my devotions this week asks the question, “Why do we drift away?” The author, Rueben Job, writes, “The bad news is that individuals, congregations, and denominations can drift astray. It happens so easily. It happens the moment we take our eyes off Jesus Christ. The moment we lose our center we begin to lose our way. We know it does not have to be that way because every day we can keep our eyes upon Jesus Christ and ask for guidance and grace to remain faithful. The good new Christians share is that Jesus Christ is able and willing to guide and enable us on our journey toward our try home with God.” I pray that I can remain focused on Christ and avoid the whirlpools and eddies that so easily suck me down and stall my progress in the development of my walk with God.

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